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أحمد المصرى

4.4 ( 8544 ratings )
Health & Fitness
Developer: Dr Ahmed El Masry Bariatric surgery clinic

نصائح أحمد المصرى للنحافة
تحديد النوع العملية المناسبة
صور قبل و بعد العملية
صور و فيديوهات و نصائح من الدكتور
انواع التحاليل و الادوية المناسبة للعملية
متابعة اسبوعية و نظام للتغذية
الاسئلة الشائعة

1-Every End-user has user name and password to login in the app,so they can sumbit his/her daily food and drinks which will be reviewed by doctor and contact him in case of they exceed the agreed amount of calories.
2-Every End-user can login to app and see a graph showing the daily instructions after making his/her obesity surgery
3-We provide rich medical advices to end-users which has been written by doctor (We have already sent signed document by doctor to ensure that content written by him)

We have rich content and many features in the app which will be displayed once the user gets logged in

1-We have rich medical advices which has been written by doctor and it can be displayed for any public user (We have already sent signed document by doctor to ensure that content written by him)
2-We have embedded rich videos which has been shooted by doctor having useful advices for patients
3-We give the end-user credential so he/she can login to the app, so they can submit their daily food/drinks which will be reviewed by doctor and contact them in case of they exceed the agreed amount of calories
4-We provide end-user graph which showing the daily instruction after making obesity surgery